SMS Romantis bahasa Inggeris

You know I wish I can Be with You everyday for 8 days a week and 25 hrs a day.
I never seem to get enought of you.

I just wanted you ti know how very I care, and that you are always in my thought even when I can't be there
As you can see, you mean so much to me.

The only regret I have is not knowing you since the day I was born
so that I will be able to spend my ENTIRE life with you

set a place fo me in your heart and not in your mind for the mind easily forgets 
but the heart always remembers.
I love You... Muacks

All day long, I hear people talking out loud.
but when you talk to me, your sweet voice drowns out the crowd!
I miss You

I finally got my past, present and future tenses corret today.
I loved u. L love u. I will love you forever!

Sending you my bed to let you rest, pillows to give you comfort and my blanket to keep you wram.
I can't sleep now coz i've lent you all my things already.
goodnight! I love You

I'm enthralled by your beuty, mesmerised by your charisma and spellbound by your love.
No wonder I am always thinking about you.

If you were to check my handphone one day, you will realise that your will be the one and only name that appers in my inbox, sent messages and dialed numbers folder.
Cos anything associated with you, is just too precious to be deleted away.

if you wake up 1 day n were asked to have a wish,
what would it be?
mine would be that our love would last until you see an apple in an orange tree =)


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